Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
- The School of Computer Science is a prestigious school of studies in the University. It has a vision to create computer literacy by taking computer education to the masses. Through its quality policy, the School aims to enhance and sustain excellence of its educational programmes.
- The School especially focuses the following issues :
- Developing degree, postgraduate and research level computer programmes for creating professional manpower required by the IT industries.
- Developing need-based and job-oriented short-term computer programmes to meet the huge demand of IT skilled manpower in business and industry.
- Making certain the relevance of programmed by updating the curriculum dynamically.
- Offering e-Learning support to its learners.
- Setting up tie-ups with industries and other educational institutions to share experience and knowledge.
- Conducting research that will help in developing new methods, tools and techniques useful for computer education and applications.
- Imparting computer education through its Authorized Study Centers.