Friday, August 13, 2021

Hindi Grammar

Complete Grammar





अव्यय के भेद
(1) क्रियाविशेषण (Adverb)
(2) संबंधबोधक (Preposition)
(3) समुच्चयबोधक (Conjunction)
(4) विस्मयादिबोधक (Interjection)


संधि के भेद
(1)स्वर संधि (vowel sandhi)
(2)व्यंजन संधि (Combination of Consonants)
(3)विसर्ग संधि (Combination Of Visarga)

Karak (Case)(कारक)



Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Some Personal Finance Rules we all should better know

*Some Personal Finance Rules we all should better know*

- Rule of 72 (Double Your Money)
- Rule of 70 (Inflation)
- 4% Withdrawal Rule
- 100 Minus Age Rule
- 10, 5, 3 Rule
- 50-30-20 Rule
- 3X Emergency Rule
- 40℅ EMI Rule
- Life Insurance Rule

*Rule of 72*

No. of yrs required to double your money at a given rate, U just divide 72 by interest rate
Eg, if you want to know how long it will take to double your money at 8% interest, divide 72 by 8 and get 9 yrs

At 6% rate, it will take 12 yrs
At 9% rate, it will take 8 yrs

*Rule of 70*

Divide 70 by current inflation rate to know how fast the value of your investment will get reduced to half its present value. 

Inflation rate of 7% will reduce the value of your money to half in 10 years.

*4% Rule for Financial Freedom*

Corpus Reqd = 25 times of your estimated Annual Expenses.

Eg- if your annual expense after 50 years of age is 500,000 and you wish to take VRS then corpus with you required is 1.25 cr.

Put 50% of this into fixed income & 50% into equity.

Withdraw 4% every yr, i.e.5 lac.

This rule works for 96% of time in 30 yr period

*100 minus your age rule*

This rule is used for asset allocation. Subtract your age from 100 to find out, how much of your portfolio should be allocated to equities

Suppose your Age is 30 so (100 - 30 = 70)

Equity : 70%
Debt : 30%

But if your Age is 60 so (100 - 60 = 40)

Equity : 40%
Debt : 60%

*10-5-3 Rule*

One should have reasonable returns expectations

10℅ Rate of return - Equity / Mutual Funds
5℅ - Debts ( Fixed Deposits or Other Debt instruments) 
3℅ - Savings Account

*50-30-20 Rule - about allocation of income to expense*

Divide your income into
50℅ - Needs  (Groceries, rent, emi, etc)
30℅ - Wants  (Entertainment, vacations, etc)
20℅ - Savings  (Equity, MFs, Debt, FD, etc)

Atleast try to save 20℅ of your income.
You can definitely save more

*3X Emergency Rule*

Always put atleast 3 times your monthly income in Emergency funds for emergencies such as Loss of employment, medical emergency, etc. 

3 X Monthly Income

In fact, one can have around 6 X Monthly Income in liquid or near liquid assets to be on a safer side

*40℅ EMI Rule*

Never go beyond 40℅ of your income into EMIs. 

Say you earn, 50,000 per month. So you should not have EMIs more than 20,000 .

This Rule is generally used by Finance companies to provide loans. You can use it to manage your finances. 

*Life Insurance Rule*

Always have Sum Assured as 20 times of your Annual Income 

20 X Annual Income

Say you earn 5 Lacs annually, u shud atleast have 1 crore insurance by following this Rule

*These rules are equally useful for young, youth and old. Hope you will find them simple, useful and handy.*

Sunday, May 30, 2021

आपके बॉडी पार्ट्स कब डरते हैं...

आपके बॉडी पार्ट्स कब डरते हैं...

1 *पेट (Stomach)*
उस वक्त डरा होता है जब आप सुबह का नाश्ता नहीं करते।

2 *गुर्दे (Kidneys)* उस वक्त खौफ मे होते हैं जब आप 24 घंटे में 10 गिलास पानी नहीं पीते। 

3 *पित्ता (Gallbladder)* उस वक्त परेशान होता है जब आप रात 11:00 बजे तक सोते नहीं और सूरज उगने से पहले जागते नहीं हैं।

4  *छोटी आंत (small intestine)* उस वक्त तकलीफ महसूस करती है जब आप ठंडी चीजें पीते हैं और बासी खाना खाते हैं।

5 *बड़ी आंत (Large intestine)* में उस वक्त ज्यादा तकलीफ होती है जब आप तली हुई या मसालेदार चीज खाते हैं। 

6 *फेफड़े (Lungs)* उस वक्त बहुत तकलीफ महसूस करते हैं जब आप धुआं धूल सिगरेट बीड़ी से भरपूर हवा में सांस लेते हैं।

7  *लिवर* उस वक्त बीमार होता है जब आप बहुत तली हुई खुराक और फास्ट फूड खाते हैं।

8   *दिल (Heart)* उस वक्त बहुत गमगीन होता है जब आप ज्यादा नमकीन और कोलेस्ट्रोल वाली चीजें खाते हैं।

9 *pancreas* उस वक्त बहुत डरता है जब आप बहुत ज्यादा मिठाई खाते हैं और खासकर जब वह फ्री में मिल रही हो। 

10 *आंखें (Eyes)* उस वक्त तंग आ जाती है जब आप अंधेरे में मोबाइल और कंप्यूटर पर उनकी तेज रोशनी में काम करते हैं। 

11  *दिमाग (Brain)* उस वक्त बहुत दुखी होता है जब आप नेगेटिव सोचते हैं। 

*अपने शरीर के हर हिस्से का ख्याल रखें।  
याद रखें यह बॉडी पार्ट्स मार्केट में अवेलेबल नहीं है।*

Friday, May 21, 2021

How to improve your reading skills

How to improve your reading skills
There are a variety of ways you might improve your reading skills. You might practice speed reading to improve your fluency or make notes each time you encounter unfamiliar vocabulary. The following steps also help outline what you might do to improve and further develop your reading skills.

1. Set aside time to read each day.
2. Set reading goals.
3. Preview the texts you read.
4. Determine the purpose.
5. Apply key reading strategies.
6. Take notes while you read.
7. Apply what you read by summarizing.

1. Set aside time to read each day.
One of the most effective ways to build your skills is to practice. Developing your reading skills will ultimately take practice, and you can set aside 10 to 15 minutes each day to read. You can read news articles, fiction, magazine issues or any kind of text, as long as you are taking the time to practice your reading skills.

2. Set reading goals.
You can set reading goals for yourself to help you develop a wider vocabulary, gain a deeper understanding of different texts and improve your ability to make connections between things you read and your own perspectives and ideas.

For example, you might set a goal to learn different vocabulary related to a central topic like business management, technology or another subject that interests you. Then, you can find meanings to unfamiliar words that help build your vocabulary as you read. As you build your vocabulary to higher-level words and phrases, you can increase the difficulty level of the texts you read.

3. Preview the texts you read.
Previewing and scanning over texts can be another step toward improving your reading skills. You can apply this strategy by previewing titles, captions, headlines and other text features to get an idea of what you are reading about. This can help you form central ideas about the text before you begin reading it.

4. Determine the purpose.
As you read through different texts, practice determining the purpose. Think about why various texts were written and what meanings or themes can be understood from a text. Additionally, you might identify the purpose that you are reading for, such as to find information, follow instructions in a manual or to enjoy a story. Knowing your purpose for reading a text can help you look for key ideas and details that support your purpose.

5. Apply key reading strategies.
As you read different texts, you can apply several key strategies to help you increase your comprehension. For instance, when previewing a text, you might identify the text structure as informational, persuasive or instructional. You might also determine key elements of different texts like the central themes, problems and solutions or comparative ideas presented in what you read. Using strategies like identifying text features, determining the purpose and taking notes can all work to help you improve your reading skills.

6. Take notes while you read.
Another highly effective method for improving your reading skills is to take notes while you read. For instance, you might take notes while reading a fiction novel to gain a deeper understanding of the author's choice of language, or you might write down new vocabulary while reading a science journal. Effective note-taking can prompt you to ask questions about and make connections to what you read.

Similarly, creating visual representations like charts, tables or diagrams can clarify themes and ideas and can help you form inferences from your reading. Note-taking can be highly beneficial for comprehension exercises like summarizing, too.

7. Apply what you read by summarizing.
Summarizing what you read can also improve your reading skills. Summarizing forces you to remember specific details and central topics about what you read in your own words and through your own unique perspective. You might try verbally summarizing what you read by sharing information with a friend or write a short summary to help you retain and comprehend what you read.

As you develop your reading skills, your communication and overall ability to interact with others and perform in your career can develop as well.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

एक दोस्त द्वारा भेजी गई मुंशी प्रेमचंद जी की एक सुंदर कविता

*_एक दोस्त द्वारा भेजी गई मुंशी प्रेमचंद जी की एक सुंदर कविता, जिसके एक-एक शब्द को बार-बार पढ़ने को मन करता है:_*

_ख्वाहिश नहीं मुझे_
_मशहूर होने की,"_

        _आप मुझे पहचानते हो_
        _बस इतना ही काफी है।_

_अच्छे ने अच्छा और_
_बुरे ने बुरा जाना मुझे,_

        _जिसकी जितनी जरूरत थी_
        _उसने उतना ही पहचाना मुझे!_

_जिन्दगी का फलसफा भी_
_कितना अजीब है,_

        _शामें कटती नहीं और_
        _साल गुजरते चले जा रहे हैं!_

_एक अजीब सी_
_'दौड़' है ये जिन्दगी,_

        _जीत जाओ तो कई_
        _अपने पीछे छूट जाते हैं और_

_हार जाओ तो_
_अपने ही पीछे छोड़ जाते हैं!_

_बैठ जाता हूँ_
_मिट्टी पे अक्सर,_

        _मुझे अपनी_
        _औकात अच्छी लगती है।_

_मैंने समंदर से_
_सीखा है जीने का सलीका,_

        _चुपचाप से बहना और_
        _अपनी मौज में रहना।_

_ऐसा नहीं कि मुझमें_
_कोई ऐब नहीं है,_

        _पर सच कहता हूँ_
        _मुझमें कोई फरेब नहीं है।_

_जल जाते हैं मेरे अंदाज से_
_मेरे दुश्मन,_

              _एक मुद्दत से मैंने_
       _न तो मोहब्बत बदली_ 
      _और न ही दोस्त बदले हैं।_

_एक घड़ी खरीदकर_
_हाथ में क्या बाँध ली,_

        _वक्त पीछे ही_
        _पड़ गया मेरे!_

_सोचा था घर बनाकर_
_बैठूँगा सुकून से,_

        _पर घर की जरूरतों ने_
        _मुसाफिर बना डाला मुझे!_

_सुकून की बात मत कर_
_ऐ गालिब,_

        _बचपन वाला इतवार_
        _अब नहीं आता!_

_जीवन की भागदौड़ में_
_क्यूँ वक्त के साथ रंगत खो जाती है ?_
     _हँसती-खेलती जिन्दगी भी_
        _आम हो जाती है!_

_एक सबेरा था_
_जब हँसकर उठते थे हम,_

        _और आज कई बार बिना मुस्कुराए_
        _ही शाम हो जाती है!_

_कितने दूर निकल गए_
_रिश्तों को निभाते-निभाते,_

        _खुद को खो दिया हमने_
        _अपनों को पाते-पाते।_

_लोग कहते हैं_
_हम मुस्कुराते बहुत हैं,_

        _और हम थक गए_
        _दर्द छुपाते-छुपाते!_

_खुश हूँ और सबको_
_खुश रखता हूँ,_

        _लापरवाह हूँ ख़ुद के लिए_
        _मगर सबकी परवाह करता हूँ।_

_मालूम है_
*_कोई मोल नहीं है मेरा फिर भी_*

        *_कुछ अनमोल लोगों से_*
        *_रिश्ते रखता हूँ।।_*

Monday, April 12, 2021

Improve Your Handwriting Speed

Handwriting is one of those skills that you generally learn as a kid, and then never try to actively improve as you grow up. However, being able to write faster has some significant benefits, which are especially important for people who often need to write things by hand, such as university students. 
These benefits include:
1. Increased automaticity, which lessens the burden on working memory. This means that you don’t have to actively concentrate on the act of writing itself, and that you can instead focus on thinking about what to write.
2. Increased overlap between the mental generation of output and the consequent production of text relating to that output. This means that you can write your thoughts down immediately as you are forming them, without suffering from a delay which hinders your thought process.
3. Improved performance in various academic tasks, and especially those that require a lot of handwriting under time constraints, such as taking notes during lectures or writing essays during in-class exams.

Table of contents :
1. Fix your handwriting technique
2. Maintain good posture
3. Hold the pen whichever way feels comfortable
4. Avoid gripping the pen too hard
5. Use a good writing implement
6. Improve your handwriting style

Fix your handwriting technique
Improving your handwriting technique is a good way to improve your writing speed.
Good handwriting technique involves using your fingers as guides, and moving the pen using your forearm and shoulder muscles. This allows you to write quickly, without tiring out or getting cramps.
Bad handwriting technique involves drawing the letters using your fingers, moving your wrist constantly, and repeatedly picking up your hand from the paper in order to move it across as you write. These issues slow down your writing, and cause your hand to tire out and cramp.
How to get your technique right: in order to get a sense of which muscles you should use, try holding your arm in front of you, while writing large letters in the air. Use the guidelines above in order to see which technical practices you should follow, and which you should avoid.
Once you get used to these movements, try to implement them as you write on paper, while making sure to keep the technical guidelines in mind, and to check up on your technique from time to time as you write.
Maintain good posture
Maintaining good posture is an easy way to improve your writing speed, while also helping you stay healthy and feel more comfortable while you write.
To help improve your posture, you ideally want to be seated with your feet resting flat on the floor, and with your hips and lower back supported by the chair. At the same time, your knees should be flexed to approximately 90˚, and your elbows should be slightly flexed, with your forearms resting comfortably on the desk surface.
You should avoid slouching over the paper while you write, since doing this puts unnecessary strain on your arm, which makes it more difficult to write.
In addition, make sure to set the height of the desk and the chair properly, in a way that encourages proper posture, based on the guidelines that we saw above. When the desk/chair combination is set with improper heights, you will find that it’s more difficult to maintain good posture, which hinders your writing.
Hold the pen whichever way feels comfortable
Research shows that your grasp (i.e. the way you hold the pen in your hand) doesn’t have much of an impact on your writing speed. Furthermore, note that when writing for extended periods of time, it’s natural to sometimes vary the way you hold the pen, so this is not necessarily indicative of a problem.
Therefore, as long as you feel comfortable while writing, you can hold the pen or pencil whichever way feels comfortable for you.
However, if the way that you naturally hold the writing utensil feels uncomfortable or causes you to cramp, and you decide that you want to improve it, it’s generally advisable to go with the commonly used dynamic tripod grip, which is shown in the image below.

Using the dynamic tripod grip means the following:
The pen should be pinched between the thumb and index finger, slightly above the area where the sharp end of the pen meets the shaft.
There should be an open space between the thumb and index finger.
The pen should be resting against the middle finger.
The ring finger and little finger should be tucked into the palm.
Avoid gripping the pen too hard
People tend to grip their pen or pencil too hard, especially when trying to write quickly. The problem is that doing this slows you down, and causes your hand to tire.
The best way to avoid this is to consciously check up on yourself while you write, and make sure that you’re not gripping the pen too hard. It’s okay to hold it firmly, but you don’t want to be actively crushing it with your hands.
If you consistently correct yourself over time and avoid gripping too hard, then eventually you should be able to maintain the appropriate grip strength naturally.
Note that if you find yourself constantly gripping your pen too hard, it’s possible that you need to get a new one, that better fits your hand. You’ll read more about this in the next section.
Use a good writing implement
Using a good-quality writing implement that fits your hand properly can make a huge difference in your writing, without requiring much effort on your part. There are three main things that you should pay attention to:
Thickness– pick a pen that isn’t so thin that you end up having to squeeze it tightly, or so thick that it ends up being uncomfortable to hold. If necessary, you can increase the thickness of a pen by putting a small rubber grip on it. The right size for a pen depends on how big your hand is and on your personal preferences, so experiment and find out what works for you.
Tip size– pick a pen that has a tip size that you feel comfortable with (e.g. 0.5mm versus 0.9mm). Which one works better for you will again depend on your needs and preferences, so you should experiment and find out what works for you.
Quality- use a good quality pen, that doesn’t require you to press hard on the paper in order to get the ink out. This alone can make a huge difference, and a good pen doesn’t cost more than a few dollars, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t just buy one.
Improve your handwriting style
You can increase your handwriting speed by making a few simple modifications to your handwriting style, and specifically by simplifying the way you write the letters. This means that you should try to get rid of excessive marks and styling, as long as omitting them has no impact on the legibility of your writing.
It’s also possible to modify the size of your letters, and in theory, if you decrease the size of your letters, you will need to move your arm less when you write, which should enable you to write faster.
However, this is not necessarily true in practice, and reducing the letter size might end up slowing you down, by making it more difficult for you to write the individual letters. Since this is also something that varies from person to person, you can experiment and see what works for you.
Use a shorthand writing system

Shorthand writing systems use various unique symbols, which can replace letters, common letter combinations, sounds, or frequently-used words, in order to save time as you write. You can either learn an existing shorthand system, or develop your own. Commonly used shorthand variants include Gregg, Pitman, and Teeline.
One of the ways to benefit from the use of shorthand without having to put a lot of effort into learning a full shorthand writing system, is to focus only on a small number of words which appear frequently in the language, such as ‘the’ and ‘to’. It’s relatively easy to simplify these words, and doing so can lead to a significant improvement in your writing speed, while still keeping your writing fairly legible.

Finally, keep in mind that the more you rely on shorthand, the more difficult it will be for others to decipher your notes. This can be either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on your preferences.
Summary and conclusions
Improving your handwriting speed can have significant benefits, such as increased automaticity, increased overlap between mental generation of output and the consequent production of text, and improved performance in academic tasks.
There are a lot of things you can do in order to improve your handwriting speed, and you can pick which aspects you want to work on, as each of them will lead to notable benefits by itself.
In terms of writing technique, make sure to use your fingers as guides, and move the pen using the forearm and shoulder muscles, while maintaining a good posture. Avoid drawing the letters with your fingers, moving your wrist constantly, repeatedly picking your hand up from the paper, gripping the pen too hard, or slouching over the paper.
Make sure to get a good writing implement that is convenient for you to write with, in terms of not being too thin or too thick, and in terms of having a comfortable tip size. Furthermore, make sure that the pen is of high-quality, and that you don’t have to press too hard on the paper in order to write with it.
Finally, in order to increase your handwriting speed, you can also choose to simplify the way you write the letters, or use a shorthand writing system. The greatest benefits of using such systems come from simplifying frequently used words (such as ‘the’), which saves you a lot of time while requiring relatively little effort.

The Human Body Contents

1: Number of bones: 206
2: Number of muscles: 639
3: Kidney Number: 2
4: Number of milk teeth: 20
5: Number of ribs: 24 (12 pair)
6: Heart Camera Number: 4
7: Largest Artery: Aorta
8: Normal Blood Pressure: 120/80 Mmhg
9: Blood Ph: 7.4
10: Number of vertebrae in spine: 33
11: Neck Vertebrae Number: 7
12: Number of bones in middle ear: 6
13: Number of bones in the face: 14
14: Number of bones in skull: 22
15: Number of bones in the chest: 25
16: Number of bones in arms: 6
17: Number of muscles in the human arm: 72
18: Number of bombs in the heart: 2
19: Biggest Organ: Skin
20: Biggest Gland: Liver
21: Biggest Cell: Female Ovum
22: Smallest Cell: Spermatozoon
23: Smallest Bone: Middle Ear Stripe
24: First Transplanted Organ: Kidney
25: Mean Slim Intestine Length: 7 m
26: Average large intestine length: 1.5 m
27: Average Newborn Baby Weight: 3 kg
28: Pulse rate in one minute: 72 times
29: Normal Body Temperature: 37 C° (98.4 f°)
30: Average Blood Volume: 4 to 5 LITERS
31: LIFE LAPSE Red blood cells: 120 days
32: LAPSE OF LIFE White blood cells: 10 to 15 days
33: Pregnancy period: 280 days (40 week)
34: Number of bones in human foot: 33
35: Number of bones in each wrist: 8
36: Number of bones in hand: 27
37: Largest Endocrine Gland: Thyroid
38: Largest Lymphatic Organisation: Spleen
40: Biggest and Strongest Bone: Femur
41: Smallest Muscle: Stapedius (Middle Ear)
41: Chromosome Number: 46 (23 pair)
42: Number of newborn baby bones: 306
43: Blood Viscosity: 4.5 to 5.5
44: Universal Donor Blood Group: O
45: Universal Receiver Blood Group: AB
46: Greater white blood cell: Monocyte
47: Smaller White Blood: Lymphocyte
48: Increased red blood cell count is called: Polytemia
49: Blood bank in the body is: Spleen
50: River of life is called: Blood
51: Normal level blood cholesterol: 100 mg / dl
52: Fluid part of blood is: Plasma

A perfectly designed machine that lets you enjoy this adventure called life. Take care of her Don't hurt her with vices and excesses.